Thursday, April 21, 2011

First Study to Show Research Meaningful Use from EMRs

Healthcare IT Data captured in electronic medical records (EMR) for routine clinical care as currently implemented is sufficient to conduct genome-wide association studies, according to the first study to look at EMR-based research.
The study published today in Science Translational Medicine provides the first proof of the concept that one of the meaningful uses of EMRs is that they might be used to conduct a variety of health research studies more efficiently and cost-effectively than is currently possible. (Link to published site)

First Study to Show Research Meaningful Use from EMRs


Healthcare IT Data captured in electronic medical records (EMR) for routine clinical care as currently implemented is sufficient to conduct genome-wide association studies, according to the first study to look at EMR-based research.
The study published today in Science Translational Medicineprovides the first proof of the concept that one of themeaningful uses of EMRs is that they might be used to conduct a variety of health research studies more efficiently and cost-effectively than is currently possible.