Tuesday, December 3, 2019

Liver cancer rates on the rise

Rising obesity may be contributing
to a rise in liver cancer ratesFo
For Cancer Digest

Liver cancer death rates have increased by around 50% in the last decade and have tripled since records began, according to the latest calculations* by Cancer Research UK.

There were 3,200 liver cancer deaths in the UK in 2007, and the mortality rate has steadily climbed since then with 5,700 deaths due to the disease in 2017, researchers at Cancer Research UK say. 

Is The SI Joint A Pain Generator That Can Be Addressed By Fusion?

Often overlooked in a diagnostic workup for lower back pain, the sacroiliac joints are estimated to be the pain generator in 15% to 25% of patients1.
Causes of sacroiliac (SI) joint pain range from trauma to ankylosing spondylitis. Other causes include mechanical stress, prior spinal fusion, pregnancy, gout, obesity, and aging. Once a SI joint is identified as a pain generator, the question turns to treatment options. (published site)