Thursday, May 30, 2019

What is European MDR and Why It happened, Timelines for Compliance

First in a 7-part series on the EU’s Medical Device Regulation

For Kapstone Medical

The European Parliament passed the Medical Device Regulation (MDR) two years ago and began a three-year transition period in May 2017 with enforcement set to begin in May 2020.

The new regulation repeals and replaces the Medical Device Directive (MDD) and the Active Implantable Medical Device Directive (AIMDD), effectively pushing the reset button for medical device makers who sell products in Europe. (published site)

Monday, May 20, 2019

Could My Headaches Be Caused By Neck Pain?

For Advanced Orthopedics

Everyone has experienced that dull ache in the neck that eventually becomes a headache. There are many causes and most are not a result of a serious condition, an aspirin or other pain reliever usually does the trick. If you experience these headaches frequently, however, you may want to consult a doctor. (published site)

Tuesday, May 14, 2019

Is minimally invasive spine surgery for you

For Advanced Orthopedics

If you’ve got chronic back pain that is unrelenting, you probably have seen the ads for minimally invasive spine surgery. The ads make the procedure sound simple, quick and claim that the incision can be closed with just a Band-Aid being applied to the patient’s back.