Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Realizing The Promise Of Telemedicine

For Percuvision

The idea of doctors making house calls has been a persistent idyllic dream that resonates with many people’s desire to return to simpler times when the town’s doctor knew everyone.

While such times are never going to return, at least part of the promise of telehealth, or telemedicine is that patients can receive care from the comfort of their own homes. No more driving through traffic or over long distances, parking and waiting rooms, just a click of the mouse at the appointed time and your doctor appears on screen. (published site)

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Home And Clinic Models Expanding Telemedicine Services

Ready or not, the use of telehealth or telemedicine is growing at exponential rates, and who and how it is being used may be surprising.
An analysis of claims data by Fair Health released as a white paper in July 2019 showed that from 2014 to 2018, usage of non-hospital-based provider-to-patient telehealth grew more rapidly in urban areas increasing 1,227 percent compared to 897 percent in rural areas. (published site)

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Implementing Telemedicine In Urology: An Overview Of Benefits And Barriers

The American College of Physicians surveyed its members about telemedicine last October 2018 and again in January 2019. They asked a random sample of 1,449 members younger than 65, a range of questions surrounding five categories of remote healthcare: (published site)

Wednesday, October 9, 2019

Telemedicine Filling Gaps, Specialist Shortages

The dream for many telehealth startups a decade ago was to create a virtual clinic, download an app, see a board-certified doctor in minutes for a video consult, and finish the visit with a prescription already routed to the patient’s pharmacy. No more scheduling appointments weeks in advance, nor more driving, parking and waiting. (published site)

Wednesday, October 2, 2019

Barriers To Telemedicine In America

Bringing telehealth to rural America has long been heralded as the way to increase healthcare access for millions of people living in remote areas. One early feasibility telehealth study was done in 1977 comparing color television, black and white television and hands-free telephones to deliver healthcare. (published site)