Tuesday, August 29, 2017

Can Ice Relieve Sciatica?

for D | Aug 29, 2017 

If the sciatica is caused by swelling of the piriformis muscle or muscle strain, cold therapy can be very effective for pain relief and along with rest and avoidance of the positions or activity that caused the piriformis inflammation in the first place can be enough to allow the muscle to return to a normal state and produce long-term relief.
If the pain is due to swelling around the sciatic nerve at the base of the spine, long-term relief will depend on what is causing the swelling. If it is injury to muscle or tendons near the sciatic nerve cold therapy can be effective. If the swelling is due to degenerative disc disease or stenosis, cold therapy is likely to provide only temporary relief, which will be an indicator that more aggressive therapy may be needed.
With Dr. Michael Gomez, the emphasis is on providing a personalized approach to each patient’s needs. Our goal is work with you to find the optimal outcome for your condition. We are happy to review your MRI and discuss your treatment options and answer your questions to ensure you get the best treatment for your sciatica. Contact us today!


  1. If the sciatica is caused by swelling of the piriformis muscle or muscle strain, cold therapy can be very effective for pain relief. It can also be treated through a Chiropractic Care.

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